Hello, new (or old) friend!

I’m Becky Mollenkamp. There’s nothing particularly special or interesting about me. In fact, I’ve always thought of myself as quite boring.

When asked to choose a color to describe my personality, someone once said “beige.” (That one hurt.)

Even so, I somehow randomly stumbled into a somewhat sizable social media following of nearly 40k combined (nearly half of which come from one spot, Threads).

Even more accidentally, I found myself in the role of “influencer” (I just threw up in my mouth a little 🤢).

I never thought anyone would care about my musings, let alone random things I use and love. But here we are. And I gotta be honest—it’s so much fun!

Truly, I’ve never had more fun on social media than in the last few months of just talking about the shit I love and having others say they love it too.

What to expect

In this free newsletter, I’ll share things I actually use and love in my personal and professional lives. Books I read, clothes I wear, makeup/skincare I like, household items I find useful, business tools or groups I enjoy, etc.

It will be random. Don’t expect any rhyme or reason to the cadence or content of this newsletter. 🤣 This is really just for fun.

I don’t expect to email more than once a week (and likely far less often). Basically, you’ll hear from me when inspiration strikes—meaning, when I find something else that I love and want to share.

I’ll use affiliate links (meaning I’ll get a little payback from the company for sharing something with you; it won’t change the price for you), but do not think that affects what I’m sharing.

If you don’t know me, please know this: My values are more important to me than ANYTHING. Those values include honesty and integrity. I will only share things that I honestly use and love.

Pinky swear. 🤙

Who this is for

This may be a newsletter you’ll enjoy if…

  • You are a feminist who cares *a lot* about equity and social justice. (No “white moderate” or “good white liberal” BS allowed here.)

  • If you’re a fat, peri- or menopausal person who rejects diet culture.

  • You don’t really care about fashion and beauty stuff, but are interested in practical clothes and makeup/skincare that is not expensive, works, and makes you feel a teensy bit less meh about your body.

  • You read (and listening counts!), but aren’t one of those read-20-books-a-month BookTok folks, and are interested in a mix of business, feminism, and easygoing romance stuff.

  • Own a business and want to know about tools that actually help and aren’t the icky hustle culture, bro marketing shit.

  • Are a parent who loves your child more than anything but finds parenting completely exhausting.

  • Want a nice home, but also aren’t able or willing to spend a fortune to decorate and don’t give a shit about keeping up with the Joneses (they suck).

  • Hate “influencers” with picture-perfect Instas and bodies, but still love finding cool new shit that can make your life a little better.

  • Don’t find me super annoying on social media.

If I end up with 20 subscribers who aren’t friends, I’ll be in a state of shock 🤣

Let’s do this!

If you’re still here, wow! Thank you. I really hope you dig this newsletter. If you haven’t already, subscribe (there’s only a free option, so don’t worry, I’m not asking for money!).

Each new post will be sent directly to your email inbox. But I highly recommend that you get the Substack app so you can find other amazing publications and curate your own online magazine!

Subscribe to The Bad Influencer

An intersectional feminist, perimenopausal, fat and boring Midwestern entrepreneur shares random things she loves (and you may, too).


Accountability coach for feminist founders. | Black Lives Matter | Transwomen are Women | Abortion is Healthcare | Host, Feminist Founders podcast | She/they